----------------------------------------------------------- Root Directory path: / ----------------------------------------------------------- disc1\business\ Business-Related Programs disc1\calc\ Calculators disc1\calend\ Calendars disc1\compress\ File Compression Utilities disc1\diskutl\ Disk Utilities disc1\encode\ Encoding / Decoding Programs disc1\engin\ Engineering disc1\fax\ Fax Programs disc1\finance\ Finance Programs disc1\forms\ Form Generators and Forms Entry Programs disc1\info\ General Information disc1\pim\ Personal Information Managers disc1\print\ Printing Utilities disc1\proj\ Project Management Programs disc1\sched\ Scheduling Programs disc1\security\ Security Programs disc1\txtutl\ Text Utilities disc1\virus\ Virus Checking / Removing Programs disc1\win98\ Windows 98-specific Programs and Files disc1\winword\ Utilities for Word for Windows 95 ----------------------------------------------------------- Business-Related Programs path: /disc1/business/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 3s20a.zip 8991012 06-19-00 3S Accounting for the Small/Home Office.Adware absnce13.zip 1920956 06-01-00 Absence 1.03: Employee attendance program.DEMO alerts20.zip 140838 06-05-00 Spinnaker Alerts for DDE/Queries amp25dem.zip 904416 04-24-00 AMP v3.00: Apartment Management Program. DEMO anybk557.zip 2803013 02-29-00 AnyBook!: Small publisher's business kit anycd200.zip 2402767 04-12-00 AnyCard! Credit Card Authorization Software apmaw302.zip 753196 04-06-00 APT Mailing Assistant v3.02: Mailing list mgmt apw760.zip 2960512 06-16-00 Multi-system multi-currency accounting program ascon20.zip 1538271 06-22-00 Acute Softwares Contacts Manager billv01.zip 640165 03-06-00 Billing: Creates Invoices & Tracks Sales bilpnt35.zip 977023 04-11-00 Billpower: Professional time & billing bmw3240b.zip 7665013 04-27-00 BM-Win Plus v3.2: Send bulk snail mail w/list bs1pr18.zip 5752108 06-06-00 BS/1 Professional: Time billing and accounting bs1sb18.zip 5622448 06-06-00 BS/1 Small Business v1.8: Accounting software buy_3187.zip 3192327 04-18-00 BuyersGuide99 Prints Used Car Warranty labels ccveri11.zip 1424018 06-21-00 Credit Card Verification Program. Freeware chrchwin.zip 7875985 06-05-00 Church member and contribution management.DEMO cim206.zip 19795582 04-26-00 Chrysanth Inventory Manager 2000 contctdb.zip 1735607 05-25-00 ContactDB: Mailing List & Contact Manager easy2k15.zip 2516610 05-19-00 Inventory, Invoicing, Expenses for Access 2000 easy9715.zip 2411832 05-19-00 Inventory, Invoicing, Expenses for Access 97 easysa15.zip 10315589 05-19-00 Easy Invoicing, Inventory, Expenses and More etp_eng.zip 818639 04-10-00 E-Trade Express v1.0: Business promote tool ezprop1a.zip 2672075 06-21-00 EZPZ Property Manager for residential lettings ffdemo20.zip 152344 03-31-00 Business and Engineering Formulas in MS Excel gensis42.zip 844318 04-05-00 FIS Genesis-Technical Analysis Charting System gpmc13.zip 474954 05-22-00 Gross Profit Margin Calculator v1.3. Freeware gwpro18d.zip 459869 05-05-00 Grant research, planning and writing tool iauto20.zip 6447735 06-01-00 Instant Auto v2.0: Car Dealer Website Manager intont35.zip 999794 05-22-00 Integra Office: Scheduling, time & billing inv31.zip 3054987 05-25-00 Invoice It: Invoicing program, e-mail support manage26.zip 11275366 03-17-00 Management/Financial system for small business odxtrl10.zip 895594 05-22-00 Order entry, inventory cntrl,contact mgmt.DEMO pgizmo10.zip 1319021 04-07-00 Peachtree Open Invoice Gizmo v1.0. Freeware qp202a.zip 982953 04-14-00 QuickPunch Employee Time Tracking Software sgnont35.zip 400506 05-02-00 SignOut: Office sign-out board & msg center shipr105.zip 6246166 05-02-00 One-click FedEx shipping from popular PIMs timbnt35.zip 965064 06-12-00 Time 'n Bill: Professional time & billing tsu50_32.zip 9837798 03-21-00 Tritex Accounting: Simplify accounting tasks vcchk100.zip 270592 04-03-00 Credit card and VAT number checker vw32_v56.zip 248362 04-17-00 Videobase v56.00: Video rental POS software where104.zip 4193753 06-12-00 WhereGo: Employee wherabouts tracking/locator ----------------------------------------------------------- Calculators path: /disc1/calc/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 1calc10.zip 430879 06-20-00 1st Calculator: Skinned expression calculator ag16.zip 944477 06-12-00 Plot and analyze 2D graphs and data ass90206.zip 820051 03-28-00 aSSo! v9.2.06: Expression and RPN calculator bra90206.zip 546467 03-28-00 bravo! v9.2.06: Trigonometric & RPN calculator calc3d05.zip 331637 06-01-00 Calc 3D: Vectors/matrices/complex calculator coco21.zip 859251 03-01-00 Scientific calculator w/ units, constants.Free convdb1.zip 1173256 05-25-00 Converts units, meters to miles and others ecw104b1.zip 179194 06-07-00 ECW Expression Calculator v1.04. Freeware ei100433.zip 1091037 04-21-00 einSTein v10.04.33: Expr/RPN calculator elacal10.zip 537489 05-19-00 EldoS AnyCalc: Calculator with expression eval ezu2000a.zip 1148634 03-13-00 EZ Unit Converter 2000: Custom unit converter gpcal102.zip 1863903 05-12-00 GraphiCal: Programmable graphical calculator hsconv2b.zip 704420 04-07-00 Convert between Metric and US systems int90206.zip 522415 03-28-00 inTer! v9.2.06: Expression and RPN calculator mea90206.zip 422451 03-28-00 meaSure! v9.02.06: Expression & RPN calculator numx102.zip 935805 05-12-00 NumX: Programmable ActiveX calculator control pmaca12a.zip 871338 03-24-00 pmaCalc v1.2: Sci/prog calc, Euro converter pmcalc32.zip 205823 04-11-00 pmCalc v3.2: Win95/NT calculator prokn96u.zip 1705119 03-08-00 ProKon v9.6: Unit conversion calculator qcfv20st.zip 300976 03-31-00 Quick Currency: Currency conversion. Freeware rpn210.zip 344114 03-31-00 RPN Engineering Calculator, with 5 keypads slvit50.zip 1795152 05-05-00 Easy-to-use collection of calculators sncalc22.zip 897246 05-25-00 SN Calculator v2.2:For complicated expressions tcclc10.zip 231284 04-05-00 Time Code Calculator for film and video. Free windavrg.zip 873071 06-06-00 Wind Average Calculation. Free w/C++ src wiscy423.zip 1773066 05-31-00 Calculator (Real,Complex,Matrix)/Graph Suite ----------------------------------------------------------- Calendars path: /disc1/calend/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aaprem10.zip 836551 06-05-00 Handy event reminder; birthdays, meetings, etc adcal21.zip 2271581 06-06-00 Active desktop calendar and PIM allday69.zip 1459037 05-01-00 Calendar for year overviews, holiday, sun/moon atcal311.zip 562655 03-15-00 AirTrek Software CalNotes v3.11 brth210a.zip 512892 04-20-00 Birthday reminder: Simply import & translate cal1-5.zip 136085 06-14-00 Number of weekdays between two input dates calw20.zip 4370973 05-02-00 Calendar Wizard: Make printable calendars catcal20.zip 1396122 06-09-00 AbysSoft Catholic Calendar v2.00 ctncal12.zip 744879 04-24-00 Cotton Calendar: Perpetual desktop calendar eascal21.zip 584247 03-22-00 Easy Calendar v2.1: Easy to use calendar ical35.zip 1984189 03-27-00 Ideal Calendar: Notifies users of events jarig23.zip 284286 05-16-00 Jarig for Windows: Keeps track of birthdays mymind2k.zip 1010184 03-09-00 My Mind 2000: Appointments/events reminder rmndme20.zip 671808 05-18-00 Remind-Me: Calendar and Event Reminder spkca600.zip 2989864 03-21-00 Speaking desktop calendar/PIM tscal30a.zip 62005 04-10-00 Reminder (To Do List) with Calendar vpac200.zip 287957 03-06-00 Vinny Personal Calendar Reminder winmd14s.zip 824978 06-20-00 WinMdate v1.4s: Mayan calendar utility w/C src winmdt14.zip 981509 06-20-00 WinMdate v1.4: Mayan calendar utility. Free ----------------------------------------------------------- File Compression Utilities path: /disc1/compress/ ----------------------------------------------------------- 7zip210.zip 466666 06-06-00 7-ZIP Archiver v2.10: Compression utility acvt_gui.zip 448607 04-10-00 Archive Converter v1.20 - Win32 GUI acvt_win.zip 47608 04-10-00 Archive Converter v1.20 - Win32 console godzip79.exe 1325984 03-08-00 GodeZIP 2000 v7.9: Compression & encryption megsafe6.zip 1101625 03-29-00 MegaSafe v6.0: Advanced zip archive controller mzip15d.zip 743049 05-09-00 Multiple ZIP archive extractor pecompct.zip 330962 06-01-00 PECompact: Win32 Executable Compressor pkze100s.exe 4124040 03-21-00 PKZIP Explorer v1.0 ppmdf.zip 99125 04-07-00 PPMDvF: Fast PPM compressor for textual data pwzip52.zip 2021348 06-01-00 PowerZip v5.2: Feature-rich archive manager qzip150.zip 1467849 06-08-00 Quick Zip v1.50: Multi-zip utility. Freeware tsfxe312.exe 1286656 06-01-00 Create Secure Self-extracting executables tzxentc.exe 1174016 06-14-00 TurboZip Express for Win9x/NT/2000 winar32x.zip 1210615 05-02-00 WinArj32: Windows-Archiver for ARJ Archives wingz11.zip 93040 06-07-00 Win-GZ v1.1: Gzip/gunzip with Windows GUI.Free wz32v800.exe 1259448 04-27-00 WinZip v8.0: Archive Utility for Windows xplus23.zip 1729863 04-24-00 Extracts multiple Zip, Rar, Ace, Arj archives zip23hlp.zip 25758 03-09-00 Usage of Info-Zip v2.3(zip.exe) under Win9x/NT zippi20.zip 384022 05-22-00 Zippi v2.0: Zip Compression for ICQ/Email zipscn13.zip 108259 06-15-00 ZipScan v1.3: Zip file searcher. Freeware zipwav10.zip 1424372 04-21-00 ZipWave: Visual archive utility zng3227a.exe 553272 03-06-00 Zip-n-Go v2.7: Zip/Unzip/File-sync utility ----------------------------------------------------------- Disk Utilities path: /disc1/diskutl/ ----------------------------------------------------------- aaf4-0.zip 75988 05-01-00 FastMenu v2.0: Give CDs (flash screen) autorun ag4-0.zip 218032 04-21-00 Create custom autorun menus for CDs astrt124.zip 17806 05-15-00 Auto Start Backup v1.0.24 cclea422.zip 988245 03-31-00 Cache/cookies/web history/disk space cleanup cdisk25.zip 103332 05-31-00 CleanDisk v2.5: Exorcise junk files from disks chck2t60.zip 272959 04-05-00 Disk Checker 2000: Scan disk for errors cleanu16.zip 1241032 03-16-00 CleanUp: Cleans drives of unwanted files diskdb16.zip 279423 06-04-00 Disk and file catalog, browse offline volume drives1.zip 39773 05-22-00 Disk Space Usage & Totals, Enumeration, Vol. dsksvr10.zip 74628 04-21-00 Disk Saver v1.0: Disk Data Retriever. Freeware dxpl115f.zip 157197 06-07-00 DoubleExplore: NC-clone using Explorer. Free escdm302.zip 7192141 03-06-00 EasySoft CD Menu-Generator: Create custom menu etdskexp.zip 1063960 03-07-00 Disk space manager with interactive pie charts fback2.zip 1481374 02-29-00 Flash Back v2.0: Backup up all your files fds11.zip 190512 05-01-00 Shows free disk space of all your drives. Free fdtry10.zip 1081853 03-15-00 Find-Disk v1.0: Disk Indexer fhnt211e.zip 3706018 06-15-00 Filehunter: Searches disk for matching files fm2-0.zip 114693 05-01-00 FastMenu v2.0: Creates autorun menus ftmn311a.zip 293306 04-11-00 FATMon: Monitors File Allocation table fuldsk40.zip 1239022 02-29-00 FullDisk: Hard drive usage profiler fwatch12.zip 649262 03-16-00 FolderWatch: Automatic backup of any files inicd10.zip 2336314 03-31-00 IniCD: Create autoplay CDs menus easily kmcscw32.zip 70282 05-22-00 CleanWin: Get rid of junk files easily lbe31usr.zip 1834600 03-15-00 LeBackup-Pro v3.1 English: Auto Backup. Free lbf31usr.zip 1863744 03-15-00 LeBackup-Pro v3.1 French: Auto Backup. Free magex21.zip 3122535 03-17-00 Dual pane filemanager w/ viewer,FTP,Zip,Rar++ mclean11.zip 365366 06-20-00 Removes junk files from your drives pcat4000.zip 2375959 04-21-00 PowerCat: Catalog all your drives psav180.zip 431987 06-07-00 User-dir backup tool for 3Com's Palm retro_51.zip 10749058 04-20-00 Retrospect Backup Software v5.1 for Windows rm21.zip 921352 06-21-00 Rescue Me Backup: Disk/dir/file backup program sfcln302.zip 1470000 04-19-00 SafeClean Util: System cleaner for Win9x/NT/2k smdir40.zip 1424777 03-14-00 SmartDir v4.0: File & disk management reports splitt22.zip 31917 06-14-00 Splits files and directories to diskettes.Free strayc13.zip 1441741 06-14-00 Scans and deletes 100+ types of garbage files tmac40d.zip 346796 04-26-00 TransMac v4.0d: Access Mac disks from Windows tpswp10.zip 222893 03-23-00 TapeSwap v1.0: Server Backup Verifier. Free wii216a.zip 2633179 03-28-00 WhereIsIt? v2.16a: 32-bit media catalog wsyscl20.zip 1994773 06-12-00 Windows System Cleaner (Cache, Cookies, Temp) xcpy2259.zip 88679 06-19-00 XXCOPY: Logical extension to XCOPY. Freeware